So, it is that time again! The time when summer vacation and the joys of visiting family and friends and sleeping in until 9:00 are officially over and the school year has begun. Lew and I returned from our trip to America a week ago Friday. A full week of orientation and meetings meetings meetings followed. I must admit that I really struggled with the idea of school beginning. Thoughts of my inadequacies and anxieties over last year and it's difficult moments have assailed me the last few days. I remember back to the first day of school last year and how it was the WORST first day I've ever had. Honestly, I really didn't want to relive any of it. Last night my fears and frustrations and anxieties came to a horrible climax threatening to crush me. I know that sounds dramatic, but really! I'm not an emotional person on a normal basis, but I couldn't seem to make sense of the churning emotions I experienced. This morning I woke up and went on a long prayer walk striving to relax and give my emotions, anxieties, and expectations to the Lord. By the time I got home I was feeling much more at peace. I love how the Word is alive and active and how God uses it in the midst of storms. Today He gave me John 1:16 which says, "And from His fullness we have all received, grace upon grace." What a promise for the first day of school. He has given me not only grace in salvation, but then provides abundant grace upon grace for every moment! Today I was able to experience His grace upon grace for the first day of school. Everything went smoothly. Rules and procedures were learned. My 12 students listened and obeyed. As the clock reached 3:00 one student even said, "Is it time to go home?" When I replied with a yes, he blessed me beyond words by saying, "Oh man! Already?" I assured him he would be coming back tomorrow and he breathed a sigh of relief. Tonight as I watched the sun set on yet another first day of school I can't help but thank God for the grace upon grace He gave today and anticipate the grace that He will supply tomorrow...and the next day...and the next!