Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Around the country in 30 days...

Well, folks, we are home. The nomadic duos accomplished so much in the last 30 days that we figured we had better give you a quick (yeah right, we don't do anything quickly) synopse of our accomplishments:

2 countries
31 states
2 provinces
23 popsicles (each!)
9,970 miles on the car
20 nights in a tent
800 or so pictures (about 1/4th of them are sunset pictures)
12 types of wildlife seen(marmot, squirrels, ducks, black bear, elk, deer, sea gulls, fish, buffalo, chipmunks, leeches, ticks)
3 types of fish eaten (Hake, Haddock, Cod)
7 National Parks and National Forests we were in (Great Smokies, Shenandoah, White Mountains, Badlands, Rocky Mountain, Black Hills, Acadia)
8 houses/apartments that we stayed in with people who blew us away with their hospitality
3 guys that entertained us and humored us by texting us on our long drives (Thanks James, Ross, and made 800 miles home from Denver go a lot faster...(:)
25 (at the minimum) Trailmix Burritos that we ate (most of them in gas station parking lots)
0 fights that we had...despite everyone's expectations
3 subways/trains that we rode
6 times that Ark kicked Lew while asleep
1 time that Lew punched Ark in the face while asleep
0 times we had to use our Mace or steel baton
4 times we did laundry (we are so glad to be wearing different clothes today!)

Thank you all for following our blog. We had an unforgetable trip, and we're excited to see how God will use what He taught us as we jump back into regular routines and a new school year. Check us out again at Fall Break, where Lord willing, the Nomadic Duos will strike again.

1 comment:

  1. Welcome home girls!! I enjoyed reading your adventure. What an awesome experience. Sorry to say it's back to the grind on Monday for you. Glad to have you home safe.
