Friday, August 27, 2010

First Days

Whew...after a mad dash, a pile of preparation, and a ton of meetings, we figured it was time to actually begin the teaching part of our adventure. I think I can speak for most when I say by the time Saturday came along, no one was quite as prepared as they had hoped to be. I looked around my classroom on Saturday evening and thought, "Well, it's as good as it's going to get." And it truly did look good. A huge banner across the top of my room, fun bulletin boards that I did myself (all by myself...haven't done that before), and plenty of room for improvement for the next few months.

So, feeling like a kid on the night before the first day of school, I chose my best first-day-of-teaching outfit, complete with my favorite underwear, and went to sleep. Since I've never worked more in my entire life, I slept quite well! Monday finally arrived and as I was walking to my classroom I started seeing a bunch of little people running around, some excited to be in school, and others dragging just a bit. The only thing that went through my mind was, "Uh, I don't actually know what to do with them. The room looks great, but...uh...a little help here?????" Needless to say, the first day wasn't quite as smooth as I expected.

Let's first say that God is great at destroying preconceived ideas. I always thought Asian kids loved school, worked hard, and hardly ever misbehaved in class. This was the first preconceived idea to be shot down as the noise level in my classroom was slowly rising to uncontrollable. Then I thought that lesson planning and preparation would be easy because I was so efficient at Franklin. This was the second to be utterly mutilated as I found myself lesson planning at 7:00 pm on more than one evening. Then I thought how much they would love me as their teacher and do everything I told me quickly and quietly. Wow, this one only took about 5 minutes to be destroyed...on day one! It was exhausting to hold onto my ideas of what 'should' be while trying to reconcile it with reality.

Tuesday and Wednesday didn't go much better. As the days went on, I found myself getting more and more beat down, even to the point of thinking, "Two years? I can't retired and do something else for two years?" I even began to plan my retirement party and think about the next great adventure of life I could begin. God finally got a hold of me on Thursday morning when I was throwing a tantrum about going to school. He gently reminded me of why I am here and what my purpose was and how that can only be accomplished if I get out of the way. "Oh sweet Jesus inside me, HELP!" was all I could say to that. And He actually did help (surprise I know). I found myself teaching in HIS power, not mine. He is the only one that can accomplish anything in me for these kids. Why do I work so hard to understand and live out what is already true of me? I know I will learn this lesson every week for the next two years...and then the next two years after that. I know this was not the first week of throwing tantrums in the morning. But I also know that He wants to give me new grace for each day. Please continue to pray that I would die to myself daily so I can watch God work mightily through me. This is the only way that I can accomplish anything He has called me to do here in Okinawa!

On tap for this weekend? SLEEP! Open house is over and I worked hard to have my work finished this weekend. I have a few good books and look forward to staying in my pj's! Thank you again for your faithful prayers. I could do NOTHING without them!

Sunday, August 22, 2010

And we're off...

After three weeks of orientation and meetings, we are finally starting school tomorrow. Our classrooms are decorated, and our lesson plans for the first week are written. Being in a new school, with new routines and different procedures to learn, has been a little overwhelming during this past week of preparation, but we are very thankful for a supportive administration staff and fellow teachers who have answered so many questions for us.

We have heard so many stories and statistics about our students that we cannot wait to actually meet them for ourselves. Please pray for us and our students that we can start the year off well and that we will share the truth about the Kingdom of God with our students even from day one.

I'm sure that we will soon have stories to share, so stay tuned. We will hopefully be getting some pictures of this gorgeous island up here soon, too.

Thank you all for your support and prayers.

Friday, August 6, 2010

Devotional Thoughts...

Isaiah 49:6 says, "...I will make you as a light for the nations; that my salvation may reach to the end of the earth." In my reading this week, I came across this verse and knew that it was to be my purpose verse for the next 2 years. As I received my class list yesterday there were names on it I could hardly pronounce, as well as names that were quite familiar. As expected, my classroom will be extremely diverse. Students from India, Japan, the states, and other countries will come into my classroom with their ideas and beliefs daily; and I have the responsibility and opportunity to share the love of Christ with each one daily! It can be a very overwhelming thought! However, God has enabled me, called me, and prepared me to be a light for the nations, to share His salvation with the ends of the earth. I am encouraged as I read in Revelation 7:9 "...a great multitude that no one could number, from every nation, from all tribes and people and languages, standing before the throne and before the Lamb..." That means that some of the 126 million people in Japan who are currently perishing in their sins, will be part of that huge worship service in heaven one day. I have a part to play in this ministry and it begins in my classroom, with my students and their families. Thank you for your I really let that reality sink in I find myself so unworthy! Yet HE is worthy and by HIS power this weak vessel can shine for Him.

Thursday, August 5, 2010

Goodness is...

We have now been in Japan for one week, and throughout this week, I have been constantly reminded of the verse that says that "everything that God created is good" (I Tim. 4:4). So, for your reading enjoyment and for the glory of our good God, here is a list of some of God's goodness that we have seen:

Goodness is having everything from suitcases not getting lost to meeting up with each other in L.A. to safety each step of the journey to having someone to pick us up from the airport, all making for an extremely smooth (though long) trip.

Goodness is immediately being surrounded by a new family and friends even though we just arrived.

Goodness is extremely blue ocean water everywhere we look, a beautiful view from our living room window, opportunities to swim at different beaches and see some absurd sea creatures.

Goodness is beginning to learn a new language, where we realize that we can't do it on our own but remember that the author of languages gives wisdom and patience.

Goodness is air conditioning in our apartment and Ark's classroom.

Goodness is many patient teachers who show us how to use the bank and where to find doctors and how to ride the bus and answer all our questions.

Goodness is learning to cook with ingredients of which we can't read the label and sometimes have no idea what we're eating.

Goodness is looking forward to a new school, a new school year, new students, and new co-workers.

Goodness is being blessed to work at a school that has such a vision for sharing the gospel with the nations.

Goodness is a boss who tells us that we are fired because he doesn't want us working for him; he wants us working for God.

Goodness is mercies that are new every morning.

Goodness is a faithful God who loved us so much that He sent His only Son to die for us while we were yet sinners.