Thursday, August 5, 2010

Goodness is...

We have now been in Japan for one week, and throughout this week, I have been constantly reminded of the verse that says that "everything that God created is good" (I Tim. 4:4). So, for your reading enjoyment and for the glory of our good God, here is a list of some of God's goodness that we have seen:

Goodness is having everything from suitcases not getting lost to meeting up with each other in L.A. to safety each step of the journey to having someone to pick us up from the airport, all making for an extremely smooth (though long) trip.

Goodness is immediately being surrounded by a new family and friends even though we just arrived.

Goodness is extremely blue ocean water everywhere we look, a beautiful view from our living room window, opportunities to swim at different beaches and see some absurd sea creatures.

Goodness is beginning to learn a new language, where we realize that we can't do it on our own but remember that the author of languages gives wisdom and patience.

Goodness is air conditioning in our apartment and Ark's classroom.

Goodness is many patient teachers who show us how to use the bank and where to find doctors and how to ride the bus and answer all our questions.

Goodness is learning to cook with ingredients of which we can't read the label and sometimes have no idea what we're eating.

Goodness is looking forward to a new school, a new school year, new students, and new co-workers.

Goodness is being blessed to work at a school that has such a vision for sharing the gospel with the nations.

Goodness is a boss who tells us that we are fired because he doesn't want us working for him; he wants us working for God.

Goodness is mercies that are new every morning.

Goodness is a faithful God who loved us so much that He sent His only Son to die for us while we were yet sinners.

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