Well, it's finally Friday. I made it through week 5 despite it's hardships. Here I sit with an empty classroom, windows open allowing me to feel the welcomed breeze outside, and a lot of thoughts going through my head. I realize there have been many little victories through this rough week. To name a few:
* My kids received their Bibles and have eagerly poured over them. When they are finished with classwork I hear, "Can I read my Bible?" When they leave the classroom for the day, "Can I take my Bible home to read it?" When it's time for "sword drill" games, "YES! We get to read our Bibles." This in itself is a victory! So many people don't have a copy of the Bible, yet my little 2nd graders do and they sure love to read it.
* When I asked my kids if anyone read their Bible's the night before, many hands shot up. I then asked if anyone wanted to share what they learned. One little hand went up and he directed the class to John 8:12 where Jesus talks about Himself as the light of the world and imparting the light of life. I just sat there listening to what God had taught him, slightly stunned that anything good could come out of my classroom.
* Though the last few days have been the hottest and most humid days I have EVER experienced, today there is relief in the air. A cool breeze and much lower temperatures.
* My kids working diligently on their writing and giving each other helpful suggestions to improve in it. I didn't think we would ever get to that point.
* Words written thousands of years ago that are still alive piercing my heart today! The Lord's voice has been so clear, reminding me of His love, encouraging me to keep walking, and assuring me that He has sent me to proclaim His word.
* Longing for community and then having my neighbors invite me for dinner!
* Realizing that the hardships have actually been God answering my prayers for refinement and reliance on Him! How can I learn to rely on Him if I'm not trained to do so?
I'm sure I could go on, but I will end. What a mighty God we serve. Thank you, Lord, for the perspective change!
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