Saturday, December 25, 2010

Sushi, Red beans, Fish, and Mochi = Good Christmas dinner ingredients

Merry Christmas everyone!!! I hope that your day is very special with family and friends! My Christmas began slightly...earlier than anticipated. Since we were in charge of Christmas dinner I thought I would get up around 7, begin making food, take a shower, etc. etc. etc...well, I woke up on time and began my day. A while later I began to wonder why the sun wasn't coming up and why the clock on my computer just wasn't what it was supposed to be. I looked at the clock on the wall again and realized that it read 5, not 7am. It was an honest mistake...both numbers are on the sides of the 6, right? So needless to say I worked a bit and then took a nap. As it turned out, we had more time than expected as our friends from Tokyo didn't arrive here until close to noon.

Opening stockings, sitting and chatting, and sharing memories was a highlight! Lew created a lovely little children's book about an experience in cleaning our house for my Christmas present. I had a hard time reading it to our guests due to my laughter. I will treasure it always. Eating fish, sushi, red bean soup, and mochi were among the delicacies we ate for lunch. Cheesecake at Megumi Chalet was dessert. Mmmm! The day was topped off with singing on the giant Christmas tree one last time at Megumi Chalet. The walk back was so bitter cold. Have I mentioned that it is cold here? Like 17 degrees? Just in case I haven''s cold :)

As I've thought about the Christmas season and what God has been showing me, I find my thoughts slightly jumbled and my heart slightly distracted. I know that I am just where He wants me doing the things He's called me to do...but what exactly does He want me to know? This is something I will continue to ponder the next week of Christmas vacation!

Merry Christmas again!!!

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